nslookup gives "connection timed out; no server could be reached"
I am pretty new to Linux/networking, so please bear with me.
I have a SLES that I use as a webserver. It has the IP address and subnet mask
I have recently moved this server into my DMZ because I run a web application on this server, and want to keep the server in a different network from my company network.
When I type:
> nslookup XXX
(where XXX is some machine in my company network)
I get the following:
> nslookup XXX
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
I have used Yast2 to set my name server to, which is the DNS server for the company network.
I understand the cause of this problem could lie in many areas. E.g.:
1. nslookup not configured on the SLES
2. firewall preventing nslookup from using a DNS server sitting in a different network.
3. etc.
Why does nslookup not work from my SLES sitting in the DMZ? Is there any tests that I can do help me identify where the problem lies?
Thanks in advance.