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Old 09-14-2005, 04:57 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2005
Location: The Northeast
Distribution: Red Hat Enterprise WS
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Novell Client problem w/ RHE3

Anyone else try to get Novell's client for linux running on RHE3? I'm plagued with errors when following their(Novell's) install steps (After untarring they have me type "./ncl_install install"). Reason I'm doing it is to access files on my company's network.


PS- If it helps, here is the uberlong list of errors. I already tried installing, hense the 'already installed' errors. Looks like a lot of missing dependencies...shouldn't they have come along with it though?

[ncl_install] ncl_install v1.13 started
[ncl_install] mode = install
[ncl_install] option =

[ncl_install] This script uses the following RPM options:
[ncl_install] -U
[ncl_install] For a description of these options,
[ncl_install] see the RPM documentation.

[ncl_install] Installing the Novell Client for Linux.
[ncl_install] Please wait...

[ncl_install] Installing nici...
package nici-2.6.8-0.02 is already installed
[ncl_install] ERROR: Installation of the nici rpm failed.

[ncl_install] Installing novell-nmasclient...
package novell-nmasclient-3.1.0-8 is already installed
[ncl_install] ERROR: Installation of the novell-nmasclient rpm failed.

[ncl_install] Installing novell-xtier-base...
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by novell-xtier-base-3.1.2-8.nld9
[ncl_install] ERROR: Installation of the novell-xtier-base rpm failed.

[ncl_install] Installing novell-xtier-core...
error: Failed dependencies:
novell-xtier-base is needed by novell-xtier-core-3.1.2-8.nld9
[ncl_install] ERROR: Installation of the novell-xtier-core rpm failed.

[ncl_install] Installing novell-novfs...
package novell-novfs-1.0.0-1 is already installed
[ncl_install] ERROR: Installation of the novell-novfs rpm failed.

[ncl_install] Installing novell-novfsd...
error: Failed dependencies:
novell-xtier-core is needed by novell-novfsd-1.0.0-5 is needed by novell-novfsd-1.0.0-5 is needed by novell-novfsd-1.0.0-5
[ncl_install] ERROR: Installation of the novell-novfsd rpm failed.

[ncl_install] Installing novell-xplatlib...
package novell-xplatlib-1.0.0-0 is already installed
[ncl_install] ERROR: Installation of the novell-xplatlib rpm failed.

[ncl_install] Installing novell-ui-base...
error: Failed dependencies:
openslp is needed by novell-ui-base-1.0.1-186.nld9 is needed by novell-ui-base-1.0.1-186.nld9
[ncl_install] ERROR: Installation of the novell-ui-base rpm failed.

[ncl_install] Installing novell-client-script...
[ncl_install] and novell-qtgui...
error: Failed dependencies:
kdebase3 is needed by novell-qtgui-1.0.1-186.nld9
novell-ui-base is needed by novell-qtgui-1.0.1-186.nld9 is needed by novell-qtgui-1.0.1-186.nld9 is needed by novell-qtgui-1.0.1-186.nld9 is needed by novell-qtgui-1.0.1-186.nld9 is needed by novell-qtgui-1.0.1-186.nld9 is needed by novell-qtgui-1.0.1-186.nld9 is needed by novell-qtgui-1.0.1-186.nld9 is needed by novell-qtgui-1.0.1-186.nld9 is needed by novell-qtgui-1.0.1-186.nld9 is needed by novell-qtgui-1.0.1-186.nld9 is needed by novell-qtgui-1.0.1-186.nld9 is needed by novell-qtgui-1.0.1-186.nld9 is needed by novell-qtgui-1.0.1-186.nld9 is needed by novell-qtgui-1.0.1-186.nld9
[ncl_install] ERROR: Installation of the novell-client-script rpm failed.

[ncl_install] Installing novell-client-yast2...
error: Failed dependencies:
yast2 is needed by novell-client-yast2-1.0.11-0
[ncl_install] ERROR: Installation of the novell-client-yast2 rpm failed.

[ncl_install] Installing novell-client...
error: Failed dependencies:
novell-client-script is needed by novell-client-1.0.0-6
novell-client-yast2 is needed by novell-client-1.0.0-6
novell-novfsd is needed by novell-client-1.0.0-6
novell-qtgui is needed by novell-client-1.0.0-6
novell-ui-base is needed by novell-client-1.0.0-6
novell-xtier-base is needed by novell-client-1.0.0-6
novell-xtier-core is needed by novell-client-1.0.0-6
[ncl_install] ERROR: Installation of the novell-client rpm failed.

[ncl_install] Do you want to install
[ncl_install] the optional novell-konqueror-plugin rpm?


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