Notifying Users of Downtime
Hi, first of all let me apologize for asking a question that has probably been answered before, unfortunately I'm not sure where to look for the solution.
I am running a dedicated qmail server for the purpose of learning how to run a mail server. I have been running the server for a few months now without any major problems. However, occasionally my connection goes down, which is inevitable since I use ADSL. I was wondering if there is any way to automatically notify users of unplanned downtime?
So hypothetically my system tries to ping another computer outside of my LAN at 1:00, it doesn't respond, my system logs the time and continues to try and ping the external computer at 1 minute intervals. At 1:15 my computer succeeds in pinging another computer outside of the LAN, it logs this time then emails all of my users that the mail server was down from 1:00-1:15.
Is there a program/script to do this? Also it would be great if it could let my users know how many emails they theoretically missed. It could take an average of how many messages that user received in the past few months during that time frame and let them know how many messages they MAY have missed during the downtime.
Any suggestions for my problem, or suggestions on what web page/book I should read would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance...
-- ritme909