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Old 09-13-2003, 06:45 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 1

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No AC in my adsl connection

Hello everybody,

I'm having a problem connecting to the internet using Madrake 9.1. The same error also occurs when using Red Hat 9.1 on the same computer, so I suspect it's a general Linux (respectively rp-pppoe) issue. I don't know if that matters, but my provider is T-Online in germany.

Well, I've tried to connect to the internet using adsl-start and adsl-connect after using adsl-setup to configure the connection. However, I always get a timeout message (using adsl-connect for a more verbose output) saying:
LCP:timeout sending Config-requests
pppoe: Timeout waiting for PADO packets

So I tried "pppoe -I eth0 -A" to contact the Access Concentrator but the same message involving the PADO packages comes up. Of course, the nic is brought up by ifconfig eth0 up, having no ip adress (as it's supposed to be assigned dynamically)
The NIC (Realtek8138/810x) is set to 10 mbit, half duplex by "mii-tool -F 10Base-HD". I even called up my provider to have him reset the ports at their servers for me.

The funny thing about it is, that the connection works perfectly under Windows at the same computer, which makes it impossible to blame my provider, it must be some kind of different adsl handling under linux.
As it works under windows, I'd guess it must somehow be possible to teach Linux the exact same negotiating procedures as in windows.
Well, maybe I overlooked something, because I just decided to switch over to Linux completely and therefor, I'm not exactly experienced in linux problem solving. I have been trying to solve this for the last 3 days and I'm really really frustrated and about to give up and switch back to windows.

Thanks for your attention


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