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Old 05-12-2001, 08:33 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2001
Posts: 1

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I am trying to get a netgear fa311 to work on RH6.2 with a
2.2.14-5.0 kernel. I am not enjoying much success.
I have downloaded the files from the netgear site and ran make all which produces a fa311.o file. When I ran insmod on this it returned no errors, but when I run depmod -a
it states that there are unresolved dependencies in this module which I moved to /lib/modules/2.2.x.x/net.

So I tried the recommended natsemi option.
I've downloaded the files: natsemi.c, kern_compat.h,
pci_scan.c and pci_scan.h.
Wasn't sure what to do then, but I:

1) copied all the files into a directory.
2) copied the two .h files into cd /usr/src/linux/include/linux
Was this a mistake ?

3) Ran gcc -DMODULE -D_KERNEL_ -O6 -L/usr/include -c pci_scan.c
Is this correct ?

4) Ran gcc -DMODULE -D_KERNEL_ -O6 -L/usr/include -c natsemi.c

5) The natsemi.o and pci_scan.o files were both present having generated with
no apparent erors.

6) Ran insmod natsemi.o and the feedback was:
'unresolved symbol' for 'pci_drv_unregister' and 'pci_drv_register'

Is this a problem of my own making from actions above,have I omitted anything in above procedure.

Old 05-13-2001, 05:47 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2001
Posts: 3

Rep: Reputation: 0
same problem

hi guys, it seems i´ve got the same problem, allthough with slightly different "settings":

Suse 7.0
Kernel 2.2.16

netgear fa311(the same as above)

I downloaded natsemi.c, kern_compat.h,
pci_scan.c and pci_scan.h. from scyld, then compiled natsemi.c with the line stated in the source code (as scyld recommends).

I ONLY compiled natsemi.c, not any other files. Then I copied natsemi.o to /lib/modules/2.2.16/net/

then I ran "insmod natsemi" and the follwoing error messages resulted:

'unresolved symbol' for 'pci_drv_unregister'
'unresolved symbol' for 'pci_drv_register'

thx for any help, the_sponge

[Edited by the_sponge on 05-13-2001 at 05:50 PM]
Old 05-15-2001, 03:39 PM   #3
Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Colorado Springs, CO
Distribution: Redhat v8.0 (soon to be Fedora? or maybe I will just go back to Slackware)
Posts: 857

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For the first poster:

What about doing an 'insmod pci_scan' before doing an 'insmod netsemi'

For the second poster:

Taken from

"You will need to build pci-scan.o along with the specific driver.o file. You must download pci-scan.c, pci-scan.h, and kern_compat.h. "
Old 05-15-2001, 05:15 PM   #4
Registered: Mar 2001
Location: Manchester UK
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Posts: 496

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This is regarding Connorsjohnnys problem. I have RH7.0 with 2.2.16-22 kernel.I did an RPM kernel update to 2.2.19 (never again!), which wouldn't activate eth0. I tried compiling the drivers but it didn't work. So I went back to my original setup, but still eth0 didn't work at boot, unresolved dependencies/invalid characters. However if I did an insmod fa311 it worked fine. Much fiddling, copying etc ensued. Eventually I looked in /lib/modules/2.2.16-22/modules dep. I edited the line for FA311 there, adding the path again after it (like the others that have a different driver path after them), and rebooted. Still no joy. I then removed the added text, and found that depmod worked. I now have eth0 from boot. No idea why, but that's computers for you!
Old 05-16-2001, 09:56 AM   #5
Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Boston, USA
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 438

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I have a fa311 with Redhat 7.0. The first time around it took days to configure. I had to do it again last week and following the instructions and drivers put out by Netgear in March, not the latest download, it worked easily. The latest download wouldn't work for some reason.
Old 05-25-2001, 05:40 PM   #6
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2001
Posts: 3

Rep: Reputation: 0
Smile thanks

thanks for the tips KevinJ

I got my networking cards to work with the scyld natsemi drivers (i have two fa311).
interestingly enough, when i tried the "original" netgear driver, only one card is recognized (eth0), whereas thy scyld driver automatically recognizes both cards!!

is is possible to switch the order in which they are detected? giving io /irq parameters doesn´t seem to work, i get the error message bad_parm_io or something of the likes, maybe the scyld driver doesn´t support options??

BTW: to everybody having problems with unsreloved symbols: simply load the driver with "modprobe" instead of "insmod", then required modules are automatically loaded



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