Yes and no. It's a great alternative to the Windows world. Lots of applications out there to do pretty much everything that you need.
But will your EA games play on Linux? Probably not. But that's OK. You can dual-boot your system, with Windows for your gaming and Linux for everything else. Alot of people do that, using the right tool for the right job.
I still have Windows on my machine, but it's mostly for work related applications for those late nights when I'm working on a project. That and USB scanner support that I can't seem to get with Linux, etc.
So should you dump Windows completely and hope that your EA games will work? Probably not. But there may be some gamers here who can guide you to an answer for your EA games, and then you may be able to switch over completely.
In the meantime, the dual-boot system will help you learn gradually about Linux. If you switch over completely all at once, the frustration factor can get quite high.
Good luck.