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Old 06-06-2001, 03:17 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2001
Posts: 2

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I'm could use some advice.

I am trying to network my Linux box with a Windows 98 machine. I can ping each machine to each other by using their respective IP addresses. However I can't ping from my windows machine to my linux box. I get the message 'Destination Host Unreachable' Also, I can't see my Samba shares under network neighbourhood.

My Linux box has the following network configurations:
eth0 - internet interface (works fine)
eth1 - internal LAN interface
DNS server
Samba is running with:
worgroup = MYGROUP
encrypt password = Yes

My windows box is coonfigured:
DNS server domain name:
Access Control: user share: MYGROUP

I even tried editing the registry to disable encrypted password.

Any guidance would be appreciated.

Mark L.

Old 06-06-2001, 08:39 PM   #2
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Originally posted by mmlevine
I'm could use some advice.

I am trying to network my Linux box with a Windows 98 machine. I can ping each machine to each other by using their respective IP addresses. However I can't ping from my windows machine to my linux box. I get the message 'Destination Host Unreachable' Also, I can't see my Samba shares under network neighbourhood.

My Linux box has the following network configurations:
eth0 - internet interface (works fine)
eth1 - internal LAN interface

You have a gateway statement, but I don't see any anywhere. Do you have another device with that addr? You don't necesarily need a gateway if y'all are on the same subnet.

DNS server
Samba is running with:
worgroup = MYGROUP
encrypt password = Yes

My windows box is coonfigured:
DNS server domain name:
Access Control: user share: MYGROUP

I even tried editing the registry to disable encrypted password.

Encrypted password will only change things if you are using an smb server (Samba) on the the Linux Box. It has nothing to do with old boring TCP/IP per se. Are you running samba with WINS service? Are you using DNS? These won't directly affect the IP problems, but you could get some grief when you attmempt your first Samba setup.

Any guidance would be appreciated.

Mark L.

Old 06-06-2001, 09:11 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2001
Posts: 2

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Thanks for answering my post.

I am using Samba on my Linux box. I am not running DNS.

What is puzzeling me is that I can ping each computer with an IP address but can't see the Linux box from my WIN 98 box in the network neighborhood. In addition, I can't see any computer using the 'find computers' under MS explorer or map a network drive using just the IP address.

Any additional help would save my sanity.

Mark L

Old 06-08-2001, 11:24 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2001
Location: Austin, TX
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I'm still a little confused by the *logic* of your statement...
"I can ping each machine to each other by using their respective IP addresses. However I can't ping from my windows machine to my linux box"
so can you or can you not ping your machines??? =)

1. I hope it was a typ0, and you meant that eth0 is the external interface.
2. When you say "works fine", from the linux box, can you ping an internal IP address? can you ping an external IP address? can you ping an external DN?
From the windows client, can you ping yourself? can you ping the linux box IP? can you ping an external IP? can you ping an external DN?
3. You are most likely not running a WINS server, so you should disable it.
4. If you're not running a DNS on your box, then your DNS servers should point to the real DNS (of your ISP) instead of to the linux box.
5. As mmlevine said, what's that "Gateway" doing there? who's =)
6. Verify that your subnet masks are all set correctly (for your case, it would be
7. If you have Samba configured with encrypted passwords, and the client reghacked to use unencrypted passwords, obviously that's gonna cause a problem =)

But what mmlevine said is correct, you should get your network issues resolved before trying to run samba. Make sure everyone can ping everyone else quite happily before attempting anything else =)

Also, windows SMB is very very touchy. it takes awhile (quite awhile) for things to settle down. Don't be surprised if you have to keep at it to try to find a computer. Instead use the smbclient tools on your linux box to see if you can find your shares of your windows machine.

If you're going to enable encrypted passwords, enable them on both sides, and don't forget to generate your smb.passwords file (or something like that). See the smb.conf file, right above the encrypted passwords line, it should tell you to read a passwords.txt or security.txt or something like that.. *read it*! =)
Old 06-08-2001, 11:27 AM   #5
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2001
Location: Austin, TX
Distribution: FC5/6
Posts: 23

Rep: Reputation: 15
oh, and before I make any assumptions, is your smb server on your linux box up and running?
ps -A | grep smb
when you make changes to smb.conf, restart your smb server
/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart
(for redhat... could be different for your distributions)


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