nice to know i'm in demand...!
ok, so that's eth0 on one machine. ok.
firstly, can you ping yourself?
if not, then your eth0 porbably isn't running, so as root try 'ifup eth0'
what is the ip of the machine your trying to contact? your netmask is, meaning you'll only be able to communicate with IPs varying by the last number only.
assuming all the hardware is up and running, and each machine can ping itself usnig it's own eth0 IP, then i'd guess it's a problem with the netmasks, so ensure the netmask isn't blocking the pings.
as root, run /sbin/route, and print the contents here, it'll show a lot more information.
and PLEASE don't start new threads all the time.. i had no idea what your problem was, and had to search out the old thread....
you'll get a LOT more help that way. And other people are just as capable, if not more, at answering stuff!