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Old 09-20-2005, 06:15 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2005
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Distribution: fedora core 3 (in some fashion)
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Networking. D-Link DSL G604T LAN DNS issues.

Hi there!

I'm totally new here, and pretty much to linux. Although I've known of it and dabbled with it for a few years I've never decided to take the plunge till now as I've grown fed up with my unnamed wet cardboard box OS. So armed with my newly acquired fedora iso's off i trundled.

I managed the installation fine and dandy and set up my dual boot machine only to come up with the same problem as mentioned in this thread:
I can't link to it as i don't have >5 posts! ;(
oh well. The post was detailing how a Wireless Router D-Link DSL-G604T had intermittent web page retrieval on Fedora Core 4.

The solution was to put the dns servers into the router. hardcoded. then just make sure that the /etc/resolv.conf file is showing either your dns servers that you put into the router, or the router address itself..

(it may have been a lot easier to reply to the topic, sorry I'm unsure how this forum handles old threads that suddenly receive a reply- i wrote this with the best intentions i promise!)

so namely my problem is that i can ping the outside world but i cannot reslove anything though firefox or konquerer.

I've yet to try the proposed solution as I'm at work, although I hold high hopes as I am also based in the UK and using BT as my ISP, thus giving me very similar circumstances to the chap in the above post. But I'm a graduate engineer and as such:
i) i think i know more than i actually do
ii) i trust myself to be technically competant enough to -really- mess things up

I'd just like to ask: Why?

Why does linux need to know hard coded dns servers when it queries a router? I can understand the router needing to know, or problems arising from from not using static dns's in the routers config. Just that I haven't come across anything that indicates why this should be....

Sorry I don't mean to sound too . . . studenty? As I'm sure I'm going to fall over my own 2 feet plenty of times over the coming year.

Thanks for your time,
Old 09-20-2005, 07:56 AM   #2
Registered: May 2004
Location: Cornwall, UK
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The solution that you quoted will probably work.

If you don't have a DNS entry on your PC where is it going to go to resolve addresses?

This is why you add the address of your router into /etc/resolv.conf and the address of your ISPs DNS servers into the router. Now fedora will know to query the router, the router will query your ISP and everything should resolve correctly.
Old 09-20-2005, 11:23 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
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hmm true.... sorry i guess i thought all this might happen automatically...
Old 09-21-2005, 04:13 AM   #4
Registered: May 2004
Location: Cornwall, UK
Distribution: Ubuntu 8.04
Posts: 464

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It is possible to use DHCP to automatically distribute gateway and DNS addresses as well as IP addresses.
Old 09-21-2005, 04:49 AM   #5
LQ Newbie
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Distribution: fedora core 3 (in some fashion)
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I seeee. so is that what my router would have been doing previously with my win xp install?


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