network permissions
I知 running Linux Mandrake 8.0 and WinXP boxes on my home network. Everything works fine except that for some reason when I try to edit a document that was created on the Linux box from the WinXP box I get permission denied, and I get the same when I try to create a new document on the Linux box from WinXP, and the same when I try to perform these task on the Linux box for documents on the WinXP box. The documents that I知 editing and creating are text documents.
I do have the permissions setup for me to read, write and execute for both boxes, I get the same message if I知 logged on as Admin or root. If I知 at the keyboard of either box and create or edit a document I don稚 get this message, so it seem as though I have permissions to perform these task, but not over a network.