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Linux - Networking This forum is for any issue related to networks or networking.
Routing, network cards, OSI, etc. Anything is fair game.


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Old 01-10-2002, 06:55 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2001
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Network or Server?

Im a to Linux

I got 2 PC's, 1 with ME and 1 with a dual boot of ME and Red Hat 7.1

I want to share my Broadband connection between the 2 PC's but i dunno weather to use the 2nd PC as a server or just as the network host for?? (i will be putting red hat only on PC 2).

Would i need any special software for this with it being a windohs and Linux mix??

Any tips would also be handy
Old 01-10-2002, 07:27 AM   #2
Registered: Oct 2001
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i'd strongly recommend using linux as the gateway. it might take a little bit of reading to set up properly, but once it's done, it'll be VERY stable, VERY easy to use and VERY reliable, unlike windows
Old 01-10-2002, 07:45 AM   #3
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There are loads of different flavours of Linux gateways around. Just take a look around. Some are easier to install than others, and some are easier to setup, but all are more reliable than using a Windows one. I personally found Mandrake SNF to be superb (but then I'm a Mandrake person myself anyway), but I've used Smoothwall and it too is good. I have found one called 'Clark Connect' which has some damn good docs that come with it, but I have not used it yet.

Happy gateway hunting.
Old 01-10-2002, 09:36 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
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Not kinda exactly sure what u mean by gateway... dya mean like a router box to serve pc with net access?
Old 01-10-2002, 10:13 AM   #5
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Erm, I think so. Where I live in England (right down the bottom left) there is no such thing as broadband. There is ISDN for a few, but it's bloody expensive so we're all still using 56K dial-up connections. I/we use the term 'gateway' as a machine that allows others on its network to connect to the internet without having to actually have a modem connected to their machine. Most of the distros I mentioned above are also used for firewalling (Mandrake Single Network Firewall).
Old 01-10-2002, 10:21 AM   #6
LQ Newbie
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Yeah... thats the thing im wanting to do really, but one machine has to be WinME (the client, think thats the right term)... any probs there?
And regarding using RedHat 7.1... any experience using that in this situation?
Oh there will be a HUB too.
Old 01-10-2002, 12:16 PM   #7
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2002
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I think the router is the way to go. A gateway, in the terms we are thinking uses one computer as a web server. It uses its intrenet connection and resources to acess the web. Useing to differant OS would make this hard. Anything can be done but I wouldn't know how to do it. On the other hand a router dosn't care about your OS. and most have a web based set-up. The two OS never even have to talk to each other if you don't want them to. Plus you can set the router up many differnt ways. You can DMZ a IP or open and close ports. There is alot of control..
Linksys sales one for under a $100 dollars.
Hope this helps.....
Old 01-10-2002, 12:36 PM   #8
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We found that a gateway was actually fairly easy to set up. We put in the software (i.e. booted from the CD and installed the OS). Noted down all the instructions it gave us, and followed them.

The simplest was:

Install the OS (in our case Mandy SNF) onto the gateway machine.
Reboot the gateway machine.
Use the client machine's web-browser (the one on our network that wants to access the internet) enter '' and viola we got into the setup thing. There weren't any problems with us using XP on the client and Linux on the gateway. Both understand TCP/IP. The only real problem we had really had nothing to do with gatewaying (it was also going to be an MP3 server for the LAN).

We were able to install it on a fairly low-spec machine (P-110 with 32Mb RAM, ISA-3Com-network card).

It sounds to me like they both have their own advantages and disadvantages - so, as with most things regarding computers, it's your choice.

If you have any problems with either, you know where you should be coming for help...


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