Network interfaces do not bring up on network restart
Problem : Problem is with the DEVICE parameter in the configuration files of virtual interfaces which does not store the name of the virtual interface as eth0:1 and rather it stores eth0. Hence some of the virtual interfaces do not bring up or become active at network restart.
System : Fedora Core 6, kernel 2.6.18.
NICs: 2 ( eth0 & eth1 ).
Eth0 has few virtual interfaces namely eth0:1,eth0:2,eth0:3
eth0:4. So all in all machine has 6 interfaces:
eth0, eth0:1, eth0:2, eth0:3,eth0:4 and eth1.
eth0 and eth1 have been configure with 'YES' as the value of 'ONBOOT 'parameter in their configuration files ifcfg-eth0 an ifcfg-eth1.
eth0:1, eth0:2, eth0:3, eth0:4 have been configure with 'YES' as the value of 'ONPARENT' parameter in their configuration files ifcfg-eth0:1 , ifcfg-eth0:2, ifcfg-eth0:3, ifcfg-eth0:4.
So as soon as I provide IPs (through GUI using the comman 'neat') to these interfaces and do a network restart, some of the virtual IPs do not become active. Reason being the DEVICE paramater in their respective configuration files do not store their respective names as eth0:1, eth0:2, etc. rather the name eth0 is being stored for all of the virtual interfaces of eth0.
So to resolve this I, manually, have to change their DEVICE parameters to their respective names e.g. eth0:1 .
Is this is a bug in Fedora Core6?
Is there a fix for this bug? ( pls do not recommend Fedora 7 )
Thanks and regards,