Network Hardware Address, from the actual physical card
I have rather annoying problem here, god I really wish I hadn't done this lol.
I am basically trying to get one of my 2 network cards to accept dynamic IP's from my ISP right?
It used to be a dhcp server in itself, infact it will be but going through eth1 anyways.
I thought ah the easiest thing to do would be to note down the MAC/hardware address of the Interface card right (that obviously holds the internet connection or rather provides it).
Copy over the other configs from the other card and rewrite the MAC address to what I noted down.
Now its not working.
Is there anyway of preferably resetting these files in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth* (the astrix being the actual cards configs?
Or I if failing that is there anyway of maybe rewriting them once again and then reconfiguring it manually, if so how would I get the actual mac address?
Just a bit confused, any helps appreciated.
I have a virtual host I have configured to try any suggestions out, its in the same situation as my actual physical test bed server but this is killing me for understanding how to approach it lol.
I really appreciate any replies,