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Old 09-20-2005, 02:55 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2005
Location: Lancing, TN
Distribution: Fedora
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Unhappy Netgear FA511

I have a Netgear FA511 PCMCIA Card Bus Notebook Adapter and need to install it under RedHat 6.1, the system requirements on the box says that there is a driver included on the disk, however I have no idea how to install a Linux driver, any advice would be GREATLY appreciated.

I apologize in advance if this is the wrong place to post this, was not sure whether to post in software or networking.
Old 09-20-2005, 03:37 PM   #2
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There's likely a README file in the driver directory on the cd that has the installation instructions. Mount the disc and change into that directory and look for it. Copy the directory to the hard drive first. The procedure is usually a simple ./configure, make, then make install. The README will tell you if you need to do anything different.
Old 09-20-2005, 04:08 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Smile Netgear CD

Thanks for your help, but, I didn't look everywhere I should have for help. The Netgear cd has a tutorial for setting up the card on the supported distributions. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!
Old 09-20-2005, 08:07 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
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Compile failure

I follow the Netgear installation instructions and get the files copied to where they are suppose to go. Then when it says to do the "make clean" and "make config" I have a problem.

At "make config" it asks me where the linux source is, the first time I done it I told it to just use the default by pressing Enter, then I googled the topic for a few minutes and saw that there was another folder in there called redhat and the person had tried using /usr/src/redhat instead of /usr/src/linux but that did not work either.

This is the error message when I use the default and press enter:

[root@redhatserver pcmcia-cs-3.1.19]# make config

----Linux PCMCIA Configuration Script-----

The default responses for each question are correct for most users. Consult the PCMCIA-HOWTO for additional info about each option.

Linux source directory [/usr/src/linux]: {I press enter}
Linux source tree /usr/src/linux is incomplete or missing!
The kernel header files are present, but not the full kernel source code.
See the HOWTO for a list of FTP sites for the current kernel sources.

Configuration failed.

make:*** [config] Error 1


This is the error when I use /usr/linux/redhat:

[root@redhatserver pcmcia-cs-3.1.19]# make config

----Linux PCMCIA Configuration Script-----

The default responses for each question are correct for most users. Consult the PCMCIA-HOWTO for additional info about each option.

Linux source directory [/usr/src/linux]: {I press enter}
Linux source tree /usr/src/linux is incomplete or missing!
See the HOWTO for a list of FTP sites for the current kernel sources.

Configuration failed.

make:*** [config] Error 1


I retyped this from my screen since I am do not have a GUI installed, I am new to doing this...if I have left anything off [or misspelled something, lol], please let me know and I will post what I have.

Thanks for your help in advance. It is GREATLY appreciated.
Old 09-21-2005, 05:45 PM   #5
LQ Newbie
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Almost There

Ok, so last night I got to thinking that maybe I didn't install the things Netgear was telling me I needed, so I done a re-install of RedHat 6.1 and then today I went through the steps that it said to follow, every step worked and I rebooted the computer, the PCMCIA card is now lit, however it is not getting an IP address. whenever I enter "ifconfig eth0" into the prompt it says "eth0: error fetching interface information: Device not found".

When you enter ifconfig into the command prompt it just give the information for the local loopback address.

I googled the topic of network card not getting an IP address and found an article that said something about configuring a file caled "conf.modules" it said to scroll thru there until I find a line that had something about eth0 on it, however, there was nothing in that file, it was empty.

I know its got to be something simple, but I don't know what it is!!!


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