need help with set up:road runner cable modem -> router -> windowsxp and red hat 9.0
Hi everybody,
I have the following problem( which should not be one, nevertheless). I have road runner cable modem service. RR is connected to a router, and the router supplies 2 pc's with ip's. I had to configure the router with windows xp ( linux cannot ping the router and also cannot set up the router). If I run xp on both machines everything is fine... If I try to run linux on pc2, then dhclient fails to determine an IP address...
I installed the dhclient and dhclient-script from isc, but it just does not work. As you can tell I am not very proficient with networking nor Linux, so how do I have to configure rh9 that it will pick up the ip provided by the router ?????
Thank you in advance for every help and if you have questions or need more details, let me know...