Hi Guys, I want to release custom TrafficSqueezer based Live ISO. My knowledge in cooking custom ISO is limited, moreover there are lots of coices out there.
All I need is a simple networking device like Linux Distro, in which I can put TrafficSqueezer and releae easy to use ISOs, instead the current release format.
If you are interested kindly you can take up this task and contribute this effort as a volunteer as a part of community.
Here are the pre-requisites:
1. I need the ISO supporting mysql, php, apache (for TS webGUI)
- so the live image should offer GUI instantly.
2. The custom ISO should have custom TrafficSqueezer Kernel. Else if you borrow a specific flavor of Linux Distro for this job, I dont mind pushing TrafficSqueezer kernel port in to that kernel. And so that we can make custom ISO out of it.
Here is what I investigated:
1. I checked SuSEStudio. It is a great easy platform to do this job. Except that pushsing custom kernel is almost nearly impossible. Even if I push someother random kernel RPM it is rejecting it. Or may be my knowledge is limited.
2. I checed dd-wrt. I felt it is very poorly documented and loosely coupled. Which is not helping me either.
3. Tried Fedora based distro with TS in it. Once again finding great difficultiy in finding all possible utilities one place.
4. Now trying live Ubuntu ISO with possibly TS in it.
I wonder why these firms no one makes a good straight-forward packing tool (tools).
Anyway I am not an expert either in this stuff. Nor I can devote so much time, since I need to code TrafficSqueezer too. If you are an expert and interested in participating in this effort you can volunteer
If anyone wants to take the lead, can assist me.
Thank you.