So you're trying to create an access point? I'm doing a similyr thing, so perhaps I can give some tips. First check whether your wireless networking card supports access points (master mode). Go to a terminal and type in "iw list". Then look for something along these lines:
Supported interface modes:
* managed
* AP
* monitor
* mesh point
To host an access point you would normally use hostapd. So see, if hostap is installed. If not then install it. Most of the work I've done has to do with command line, so I'm afraid I won't be too helpful with GUI elements. You will also need a working dhcp server - let it be that of your router, if you're creating a L2 bridge (currently my nightmare) or you can host your own dhcp server, if you're using NAT.
Here's a nice guide to get you started:
It uses the NAT approach, so it should be the easiest.