masquerading / routing /firewall issue?
hi there,
this is my problem:
i've been given a fixed ip by my university's admin to gain access to the uni net (with its own proxy, nameservers, gateways and the like). i want to share this connection with other pcs in my local network. i can access the proxy and surf the www from all machines. i can ping every machine in the www and in the uni network BUT i cannot gain acceess to the network neighbourhood via windows on any machine in my private net.
i assume this has got something to do with the firewall on the gateway pc, but i can't get it down without losing the ability to masquerade the outgoing ip's. i tried to open a large amount of ports on the firewall via the yast2 administration dialog, but nothing seems to work. i edited the firewall conf file and added the uni net to the trusted networks; again: nothing.
i guess it's a rather stupid mistake, but i don't get it. but masquerading / routing seems to work, or would i elseway be able to ping outside hosts?
thanks in advance,