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Linux - Networking This forum is for any issue related to networks or networking.
Routing, network cards, OSI, etc. Anything is fair game.


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Old 06-08-2001, 09:58 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2001
Posts: 1

Rep: Reputation: 0

I recently installed Mandrake 8.0 and am having trouble connecting to the internet through our companies Windows LAN server and firewall. I am very new to Linux. When I try to connect with Netscape I get the message: Netscape is unable to locate the socks server: PROXY. The server does not have a DNS entry. Check the socks server name in the proxy configuration and try again.
When I go into the Netscape Preferences I have PROXY entered into the SOCKS host location just like all the other computers here. Also when I open the Control Center and look under proxies it has PROXY entered for our HTTP Proxy. I read in another thread saying samba should be running but when I try to open Samba Configuration I get a message saying Proxy not found.
I am starting to get frustrated. Please help.
Old 06-12-2001, 10:14 PM   #2
Registered: Jun 2001
Posts: 302

Rep: Reputation: 30
get in contact

trying to get a setup u seem 2 be aiming 4. I'm getting 2gether a list of ppl trying 2 do this.
- my brothers` machine dialing in with Windoze, acting as a gateway (

- & linux surfing though the gateway`ed win machine,

very simple got it 2 work before, but no longer...?!

Can ping all IP's on the LAN but nothing more.
)) Proxies would be nice also.

If any1 else is looking to do this or help out plse feel free 2 get in contact direct -
, I'll let you know how 2 do it if I find out.


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