Funny I tried to do exactly the same a few days ago.
I also use bluefish, quite nice.
For the ftp stuff, you need to have FUSE enabled in your kernel
To verify if you have this feature:
zgrep FUSE /proc/config.gz
or grep FUSE /boot/config-`uname -r`
should give
what follows is debian specific, adapt it to your distro :you have to find fuse-utils (which does sshfs, an ssh server mapping to a directory) and fuseftp for the ftp part.
apt-get install fuse-utils
add this to sources.list:
deb ./
deb-src ./
apt-get update
apt-get install fuseftp
mkdir -p /mnt/ftpfs/site1
chown -R root:fuse /mnt/ftpfs
chmod g+rx /mnt/ftpfs
chmod go+rwx /mnt/ftpfs/site1
addgroup deb_user fuse
$fuseftp /mnt/ftpfs/site1
and then you have your ftp site on /mnt/ftpfs/site1
As a side note, grsync is good for syncing two directories, so combined with the above trick, you can synchronise local dir with a ftp site.