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Old 08-07-2001, 03:10 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2001
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Unhappy Linux ypbind w/ W2K Domain?

I've been bugged into switching over to an NT-domain-based network. Have installed a Win2K Server box and set it up as a primary domain controller.
Had a Linux box with SHARE authentication that worked fine until I became part of this wonderful NT domain.
I get challenged by the IPC$ when my Windows box tries to go to the Linux shares. Also, thanks to the domaining, I am unable to mount a share from the Win2K box into Linux. This isn't good for me.
I was told "oh, just set up ypbind" ... So I think I've got everything set up properly on the Linux side, but I get ...

Listening for an NIS domain server: ..........can't yp_bind: Reason: Domain not bound

and if I run 'ypbind -d' I get the following (munged output)

bindto_server: domain, host MYPDC
clnt_create for server failed

So my questions are:
1) Was I told correctly that with a Win2K domain controller, I should set the authentication to "Domain" and set the "Password Server" to the hostname of the PDC, and then all I need is for Linux to become part of the domain using ypbind?
2) Does anyone have a step-by-step for getting this to work?

It's enough to make someone hate Windows. And I'm proof.

Thanks in advance :-)

-Pete (

Last edited by Solonari; 08-07-2001 at 04:07 AM.
Old 08-07-2001, 04:53 AM   #2
Registered: May 2001
Distribution: OpenBSD 3.0-beta
Posts: 50

Rep: Reputation: 15
erm, ypbind is used for NIS and NIS+. This has nothing to do (not even remotely) with a windows PDC. What is is exactly that you want to do: Mount shares or setup a samba server?
Old 08-07-2001, 01:29 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Hahaha, greht. So I've been off on a wonderful goose chase.
Well, thanks for the response...

It appears the Linux shares are working when I try at 'em from a Windows box (no idea what went wrong there, but hey, it's working and I'm not gonna argue).

So, this boils down to wanting to:
mount -t smbfs //mypdc/share /mnt/whatever

I appreciate the fact that you were able to stop laughing long enough to stop me from wasting more time.

After abandoning the ypbind crud, I just started banging away at the mount command line. Got it working... Had trouble mounting it R/W. It's almost like I had typed in my password incorrectly all twenty-odd times except when using the -r option ... shyeah.
*sigh* Again, thanks for the help, and apologies for the bother.


Last edited by Solonari; 08-07-2001 at 01:35 PM.
Old 08-07-2001, 02:41 PM   #4
Registered: May 2001
Distribution: OpenBSD 3.0-beta
Posts: 50

Rep: Reputation: 15
No probs, remember we all had to go through this (It took me 2 weeks to figure out samba shares )


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