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Linux - Networking This forum is for any issue related to networks or networking.
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Old 09-18-2001, 07:20 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2001
Posts: 2

Rep: Reputation: 0
Question Linux Router - poor performance

Hi all!

We have built a linux router with 4 NIC's (3com 905B's) running on slackware 8.0 with kernel 2.4.9.

eth0 is connected to a 100Mbit Fibre via a Cisco 7100 router.

eth1-3 is connected to various subnets of the half a C-class we have.

When downloading a file to the Router from a nearby site we are able to reach up to 7 Megabytes / second transfer rate, but when downloading from a host connected to eth1-3 we only get between 400-500 Kb/second transfer.

Also, Running game connections like half-life does not produce better ping times than our old 2Mbit E1 connection.

My best guess is that something is badly configured inside the router, the question is - what?

The hosts on the subnets from eth1-3 are connected directly to that network, no firewalls or anything between them.

Any ideas, anyone?
Old 09-18-2001, 07:58 AM   #2
Registered: Jul 2001
Location: Braunschweig, Germany
Distribution: Suse 7.2
Posts: 184

Rep: Reputation: 30
Just a guess out in the wild:

passive NIC's require a lot of CPU-time. Might the four NIC's just be too much for your router to handle at once? -> try if just running one NIC improves network performance.
Old 09-18-2001, 09:08 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2001
Posts: 2

Original Poster
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Well, that is not the issue... we are running a 433 Mhz Celeron (suxeron) with 256 Mb RAM, using about 0.02 load average at any time and with only 19 Mb RAM used...
Old 09-18-2001, 02:38 PM   #4
Registered: Dec 2000
Location: Indiana
Distribution: Red Hat 7.3/Mandrake 8.2/9.0
Posts: 154

Rep: Reputation: 30
Interesting problem. This is just an idea but coudl it be that the 400-500k is just a physical limit of the CAT5 cable? Remember the limit on CAT5 is 100megaBIT. I'm sure the limit on fibre is much higher than that.

Second, I am guessing you did this but did you compile the kernel with any of the router options? Don't know the details without looking , but there are some routing algorithms that can be turned on in the kernel. Maybe one of those would help.
Old 09-22-2001, 02:31 AM   #5
Registered: Mar 2001
Location: India
Posts: 332

Rep: Reputation: 30

Disable all unwanted daemons and make the kernel as smal as possible.

Chek a ftp session between ur intranet segmaents (eth1 segment to eth2 segement) . then u can isolate the problem where the probelm exactly.

Try to use some other ftp client and check it. with a single ftp session u wont get full entire the one of the propertied of tcp/ip.

Initiate some 5 to 10 ftp request and check how much total throughput u are getting.

the above analysis may help u to sort out this problem.

Which routing protocol u are using ??




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