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Old 12-03-2001, 08:35 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2001
Posts: 3

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Angry linux, linksys, and a vaio all walk into a bar


I have a sony vaio f680 (Dual boot). Since the X86Config version that came with redhat 7.1 screwed up the screen (text only) I installed Mandrake 7.0 which allowed my screen to work, and then upgraded to Redhat. So that it didn't erase my screen configuration.


I also bought the formerly unsupported linksys Etherfast PCMPC100 version 3. So I downloaded the recent pcmcia driver package from sourceforge and tried to install the drivers just like in the HOW-TO section.

when I do make config, it asks me what directory my kernel source is in. So it tell it where I think it is, and it says that there are only header files and not the source files. Could I have screwed this up by the way I circumvented the screen problem???

in an unrelated matter, the CD won't show me the files under linux in either command or in the GUI program but it will still read the files (executes mcopy etc from CD) if they are explicitly typed out... mcopy g:file . works; although the CD/DVD drive works just fine under windows.

Thank you to whoever can help me.
Old 12-03-2001, 08:42 AM   #2
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kernel-headers and kernel-source are different packages, and kernel-source is not installed by default, install it from your cd's. it will then be in /usr/src/linux
Old 01-11-2002, 08:40 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2001
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Firstly, I apologize for taking so much time to follow-up.

I took your advice, and knowledge regarding the difference between headers and source code, and then I downloaded the source code for my kernel (since I haven't solved the problem that I can't see what is on my CD-ROMs) under windows and then mcopied the file from /mnt/DosHda.... to the place where it kept asking "where is your source located" and then re-ran the instructions under compiling the driver for the PCMCIA card and VOILA it just about worked.

Then I had to do the few other little things under netcfg and it works like a charm after the reboot.

I thank you for your help, and I just needed a day where I felt like taking a chance on screwing up my computer altogether....

Thanks again!!!

I will have a new message when I can make enough sense to ask questions about the CD-ROM....



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