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Old 10-05-2005, 10:29 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2005
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Linux as Intranet and Mail Server: How?

Hello everyone. I'm basically a newbie in linux. But I successfully installed VectorLinux 5.1 on stand-alone machine. I like it so much. Now I want to go a few steps higher. I want to setup up an Intranet and an Email server in our local area network. We already have Windows 2000 Servers running in our network with Windows XP workstations. This will just be an additional computer in our network that will function as the email and intranet server. It will not be connected to the internet or an external email server. The email server is just for internal email exchange using Outlook or other email client. Can anyone help me please on how to go about in the installation? I would appreciate all the assistance. I've heard of Apache and Sendmail, and it seems to come with Slackware. Does the intranet and email service come out of the box?
Old 10-06-2005, 02:51 AM   #2
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I am a great Debian fan and run a number of Debian based systems including and a LAMP type system. The packaging system makes it easy to implement and maintain. You can find a very good howto here and another based on stable (Sarge) here . I used the latter to setup my own server which has been running for 15 months and is a dream to maintain and run.
Old 10-11-2005, 07:02 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2005
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thanks for the information. I'll look into it..


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