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Old 11-23-2001, 12:15 PM   #1
Allan G3YRT
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2001
Location: N.W. England
Posts: 4

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Angry Lilo problem


I have been trying SuSe ver 7.0 with some success and have also tried RedHat 7.0 (OK they bring a new version out the minute I buy one) I have had problems with SuSe and used a floppy to boot with, sometimes I got the prompt :-

Loading Linux .................................. and then that ws that, just hung. I originally blaimed the floppy and re-installed several times. I have found that I now get problems with Red Hat when I have wiped the drive and re-installed this ran fine, but now it has started with the same problem, both when booting from a floppy or configured to boot from MBR.

I have two hard drives the Windoze C: a 20 meg and the linux one 6 Mag. All the Linux installs have been to the 6 meg one.

It recently screwed up with Red Hat and I used Fdisk to clean the 6 meg drive and gave the command Fdisk /MBR to remove the start from the 20 meg drive. Result everything screwed up and I ended up having the re-format the 20meg and re-install Windoze 98 se on it along with everything else.

The second 6 meg drive still persists in screwing up the start with either Suse or Red Hat from floppy or Red Hat from MBR.

Don't tell me I have go a virus or is something hidden on my C: that is causing these fun and games.

Old 11-24-2001, 09:52 AM   #2
Registered: Apr 2001
Location: Bombay ( INDIA )
Distribution: RedHat 7.x
Posts: 218

Rep: Reputation: 30
Hi ,

It helps all if you could have provided some tech info .

The problem might be with ur BIOS setting ..... check out what LBA means and read info about LILO and its parameters before installing RedHat .

try installation and if it fails then u can post specific error mesg's
on this forum and all will be able help u.

Regards .

NOTE : U try to install on 6 MegaByte of Hard Disk ???????
Old 11-24-2001, 04:21 PM   #3
Allan G3YRT
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2001
Location: N.W. England
Posts: 4

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Sorry, must have been old age, for meg please read GIG!

I'm afraid being new to this site I have posted twice on Installation I think the other is. It was suggested that I ran a surface scan. I have and it reported OK, I also ran defrag on drive "C" and "D" both reported OK when D was restored as a dos drive.

I have tried to re-install Suse first and as before it loads and runs no problem. The problem only happens when I close down and try to re-boot with the floppy, again it starts and gets as far as "loading linux ..............." and then hangs.

Trying to install Red Hat becomes interesting, although it shows it as a 6 GIG drive, it says it cann't automatically partition it. Strange as it has done in the past. When I attempt to do it manually it reports that there is not enough space !!!!

Stranger and stranger. Should I take up knitting ?

Old 11-24-2001, 09:11 PM   #4
LQ Guru
Registered: Jun 2001
Location: South Alabama
Distribution: Fedora / RedHat / SuSE
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I hope you didn't use fdisk /mbr did you??

This may not be your problem but it sounds like it..

fdisk /MBR though it seems to be highly recommended is a bad thing. It can render your hard drive useless. It will not hurt most drives to do this but if you are one of the lucky people to have these certain drives, you can screw it up.

If it is indeed a virus, then if it has infected the boot record and it will be offset. Then wiping the master boot record will cause problems because of the offset.

this is from micro$oft.....

WARNING: Writing the master boot record to the hard disk in this manner can make certain hard disks partitioned with SpeedStor unusable. It can also cause problems for some dual-boot programs and disks with more than four partitions.

I use lilo on the mbr and it dual boots win2k without a problem on my laptop...

Who needs that old ntloader anyway?

Last edited by DavidPhillips; 11-24-2001 at 09:14 PM.
Old 11-25-2001, 12:56 AM   #5
Registered: Apr 2001
Location: Bombay ( INDIA )
Distribution: RedHat 7.x
Posts: 218

Rep: Reputation: 30
Use PartBeta

Hi ,

I dont have much exper with SUSE so will recommend RedHat .
Try using partition manager such as part beta ( Goto ).

U should be able to clear all partitions and then try installing RedHat . Or else in RedHat u can manually clear partition by choosing fdisk instead of DiskDruid .

Post the results on this forum if it works.



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