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Old 02-02-2005, 09:18 AM   #1
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: Hull - England
Distribution: Ubunto and slowly switching to debian
Posts: 308

Rep: Reputation: 30
ldap/samba domain controler

hi i have just upgreaded my server form rh9 to sles9, my old instalation functioned as a domain controller on my network using samba and authenticating users from the unix users. now i have decided to start using ldap for the usernam and password authentification but i am having no end of problems i have been using This how to but cannot get it to work! although i have changed the smb.conf to use ldap as the password backend it still is using the unix users and have to convert the unix users to samba users. didnt even get through the how to as errors like

Can't call method "code" without a package or object reference at /usr/local/sbin// line 252, <DATA> line 283.
keep apearing when i do what it tells me.

i know what i want to do but just cant get their.

if anybody has got any advise or knows of any good howto's on how to do it could you please post them if you can please

incase if your unsure what i want/trying to do,

i want my server to function as a primary domain controller for windows with all usernames and passwords stored using ldap insted uf using converted unix to samba users.

also in the Directory administrator in yast you can specify what machines a user is aloud to logon to and some windows options like logon script and roming profile directory however when i fill them in and click ok i get the following message

A required field is empty, has invalid characters, or your directory does not support a required object class. Please compete missing field, correct invalid characters and check if your directory has support for needed object classes.

any ideas on this will also be apreciated

thanks in advance for any help



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