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Old 09-20-2013, 01:47 AM   #1
Registered: Sep 2012
Posts: 372

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Laptop that talks DB25

I have several scientific instruments which run off of a DB25 printer port. I use a process called "bit banging" to handle this.
With modern laptops there are no DB25 connectors and as far as I can determine bit banging via the USB-to-printer port cables cannot handle this. Short of a rewrite of some husky C and TCL/TK programs is there a method/means of using a laptop to connect via a printer port adapter?
Old 09-20-2013, 05:48 AM   #2
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FTDIs FT232R and FTD245R FIFO chips do have bit bang capability. They are supported via the d2xx driver. There are several examples that can be found using the 232 chip which only has 4 I/O lines but could not find much using the 245 chip.

This may or may not work for your application. Not sure what parallel port adapters use the FT245 chip but you can purchase a module from Digikey.

There are also several project that use microcontrollers like the arduino or ATmega16. You might be able to purchase one from
Old 09-20-2013, 06:44 PM   #3
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There may be some pcmcia cards too that might work.

In fact most computer still have parts of or bios settings that make comm0 and comm1 useless to some tasks so you have to go up to comm2 or maybe 5
Old 09-21-2013, 08:21 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by jefro View Post
In fact most computer still have parts of or bios settings that make comm0 and comm1 useless to some tasks so you have to go up to comm2 or maybe 5
The OP is talking about a parallel port (IEEE1284) not a serial port (RS232).
Old 09-22-2013, 05:32 PM   #5
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Oh heck. Yep. I was thinking the old db25 serial.

Still the built in number may have to be increased with an add on card of some sort.
Old 09-22-2013, 09:56 PM   #6
Registered: Sep 2012
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My point was that my software strobes, reads x bits and repeats, and on ad nauseum so I am addressing pins on the printer port.
I am not going to change the software and go thru the testing and validation that I did on the first run thru. I do not have a programming department of 1000's to embark on that. I was looking for an off the shelf plug-n-play solution. From what has been said here you seem to be validating my worst fears. Since I am collecting at up to 20 samples / sec I think I will get an old beeter desktop and run them off of it and add on a 2nd printer port. Thanks for UR input.


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