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Old 03-08-2005, 06:32 PM   #1
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: Athens,Greece
Distribution: Mint
Posts: 181

Rep: Reputation: 32
irda service up / irattach not running

Hi everybody...
I've read most of the threads i found in LQ about connecting my nokia 6800 with gnokii through irda. I've made it after a few hours, but i still have some questions left and i'd like some help if anyone could help.
Here's the weird thing:
When i su and try 'service irda start', i get 'Starting IrDA: [ OK ]'
But if i then give 'service irda status', i get 'irattach is stopped'
If i type: 'irattach /dev/ttyS1 -s' (irda is in COM2 port), then everything's working ok.
My first question is:
Could there be something wrong with the '/etc/init.d/irda' script, cause when i run it with the 'stop' parm, it stops irda after 2-3 tries (i mean i have to give 'service irda stop' again) and when i try to start the service ('service irda start'), it always says that irda started but 'irattach is stopped'.
The second question is:
Is there any way for me to automate the process so as not to have to type these commands each time? I know i can make a script but i was wondering if sth could be done through /etc/modprobe.conf. I've read a few things about it but didn't understand much...
Any help would be appreciated. Thanx in advance.
Old 03-12-2005, 09:52 AM   #2
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: Athens,Greece
Distribution: Mint
Posts: 181

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 32
for anyone interested, i found it:
etc/sysconfig/irda was pointing to /dev/ttyS2, i needed ttyS1...


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