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Old 10-24-2001, 07:35 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2001
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IPX + Novell + Linux


I have a full configured Windows IPX network working with Novell.
Now I would like to install a linux computer in this network, and must also can work with IPX and Novell.
I have SuSE 7.2 installed, my ethernet works perfect... (When I type tcpdump -i eth0 I see all IPX codes)
Now my first question is, can I use Samba with this kind of network ?
Or did I first need to log in into the Novell server...
I have did this :

insmod ncpfs
ipx_configure --auto_interface=on --auto_primary=on
He can't see any server.

Did someone know more about this ? Thanks.
Old 10-24-2001, 09:30 AM   #2
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If you want to connect to the Novell network you'll need to check the man pages for mount as I believe that you need to mount your tree.user to a directory. It's been about four years since I last tried it, but I recall it worked better than the lame client32 under Win95.
Old 10-25-2001, 03:43 PM   #3
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netware info

you might want to try to find "marsnwe" which is a netware server emulator for linux, but it also helps to connect to other netware servers.

Old 10-27-2001, 03:40 AM   #4
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Ok, this is the story.

I was showing a Linux-computer at my father's work. (I don't know how to say it else, my English is not so good. Did you call it maybe company ?) Well, the show was great, my linux system were accepting... They where woundering if there was something like this possible . They would only one thing more to see. Connecting to the Novell server. (I think it was version 4) But I had one problem, they were scared that I can crash the server with my Linux-system, so they didn't like it if I test it on the Novell-full-running-server. I had one day to try, (the day when I post the first post, see up) Now I'm back at home with my linux-system. But now I can't try on a Novell server. So I'm building an very old Novell server (version 3.12) here to try to connect Linux with it. When this server is up, I would like to get more information about Linux + Novell...
But now I'm so far that I can't connect (even with a Windows computer) with my very old Novell. So it will take some time... (I don't hope so but, you never know)

By the way: I have installed " masnwe" on my linux computer, and there was a server ! A Linux-Novell server.
Well, this emulation works great, but it was not where I was looking for, maybe you should know how to make a client of it ? I hope so, thnx...
Old 10-27-2001, 05:28 AM   #5
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I have now the Novell server (version 3.12) up at home, and can now try...:

linux:~ # nwsfind
00001000:000000000001:0451 FS1

As you see my connection works...
Also this works good :

linux:~ # ncpmount -U Sander -S FS1 /mnt
Logging into FS1 as SANDER

But when I do this :

linux:~ # nwauth -S FS1 -U SANDER
nwauth: Unknown server (0x89FC) when trying to find server

Did someone know what I do wrong ? Where can I set the settings ?

I hope someone can help, thnx....
Old 10-29-2001, 03:47 PM   #6
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I don't know a whole lot about Netware... but I know there are some huge differences between version 3 and version 4.

It has to do with Novell Directory Services and "bindery" mode. It would probably be better if you could have your test Netware server at the same version you will be using in Production.

Old 10-30-2001, 10:01 AM   #7
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According to Novell, the IPX How-To is the best source for this setup. Have you looked at that:

What exactly does the 'nwauth' command do?

There are also listings for GTK Netware Client projects on Sourceforge and Freshmeat. Here is the one listed on Freshmeat:
Old 10-31-2001, 02:05 PM   #8
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I think that with "nwauth" you can authorize on a server, what it really is, I will see... I have some more nw commando's in my /usr/bin or /bin or was it /sbin map. (I'm now in Windows so I can't see it now)
Old 11-02-2001, 04:30 AM   #9
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Lightbulb Connecting Linux and Netware

Isn`t it much easyer to do the connetion between windows clients and a Linux Server in a Novell net like this:
We just use the samba server on the Linux server and then use the nwadmin to config the loginscripts. Just add "net use:f \\servername\nameofthedir" and you have the connection between the linux server and the clients!
Old 11-02-2001, 10:40 AM   #10
Registered: Feb 2001
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I think he has it a different way.. he has a Netware Server with Linux clients.
Old 11-06-2001, 10:53 AM   #11
LQ Newbie
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Yup KevinJ is right....


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