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Linux - Networking This forum is for any issue related to networks or networking.
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Old 06-09-2004, 06:09 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2004
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Question IPv6 routing (another problem :D)


I'm running a meshed wifi network in IPv6 in which each PC is an Access Point for a subnetwork. My problem is I don't succeed in routing packets from a subnetwork to the core network or to another subnetwork
PCs in the core network are configured in routers and it works fine. Routing table is correct and even displays routes to subnetworks but I don't understand why it doesn't route
When I test the same configuration in IPv4, it works well so I don't know where is my problem.

Another question about IPv6:
is it normal all the addresses of an interface are "linked" to lo (loopback) in the routing table???
Because I have three cards on PCs (1 ethernet and 2 wifi) and the ethernet card and 1 wifi are their addresses (link local and global) linked with lo whereas the second wifi card's addresses are linked with this card's name. I feel I'm not very clear
So my routing table is as follows:

Table de routage IPv6 du noyau
Destination                                 Prochain Hop                          Indic Metric Ref   Utilis. Iface
::1/128                                     ::                                      U     0     0      0      lo
2001:688:1f88:400a::ad4/128                 ::                                      U    1024  102     0     eth1
2001:688:1f88:400a::ad5/128                 ::                                      U     0    270     0      lo
2001:688:1f88:400a::/64                     ::                                      UA   256    0      0     eth1
2001:688:1f88:400b::af1/128                 ::                                      U     0   44822    0     atho
2001:688:1f88:400b:206:25ff:fe1c:fc30/128   2001:688:1f88:400b:206:25ff:fe1c:fc30   UAC   0     4      2     ath0
2001:688:1f88:400b::/64                     ::                                      UA   256    5      0     ath0
fe80::20f:8fff:fec3:5483/128                ::                                      U     0    223     0      lo
fe80::/64                                   ::                                      UA   256   8158    0     ath0
fe80::/64                                   ::                                      UA   256    0      0     eth1
both addresses in red are on the same machine (called adhoc5), one is my access point (af1), the other is connected to the core network (ad5). I find strange both are not on "lo"

Any help would be nice


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