I googlized for a few days to see how things should be done and I downloaded the latest kernel, configured it & got everything done.
Refering to ::
http://nagendra.com/tools/6to4/ , it mentioned that I had to route my traffic through an IPv6 capable network.
Software :: Slackware 10 @ kernel 2.4.31
My issue ::
I have 2 PC's, a crappy win box & a linux box. The win box is the gateway (don't shoot me, yet) and the linux machine is, well the client. I have ADSL, using speedtouch modem (ewww), which the ISP provided. The win box has WinME (YUCK, but better than XP!), which isn't IPv6 capable (can't be patched, I think). I deployed IPv6 over my Linux box and setup the sit0 interface.
* How am I supposed to route my traffic, and to whom ?!?!
The website above provided an IPv4 IP to tunnel my traffic through, but I can't set that as my gateway (using route) since I have to route my traffic through eth0 interface to the win box :/
I believe this deployement is useless, since I'm not utilizing IPv6 (can't) and it's better to convert back to IPv4, until I kill my win box and have Linux run over it instead.