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Old 12-28-2006, 07:13 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2006
Posts: 6

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Talking IP conntrack IP NAT helper? expect?

I have 2 modules that are like IP_conntrack_tftp and IP_NAT_tftp

I want to know if there's a direct relation between them and in there initialization, what does help and expect mean?

tftp[i].help = tftp_nat_help;
tftp[i].expect = tftp_nat_expected

tftp[i].max_expected = 1;
tftp[i].help = tftp_help;

from my understanding, IP conntrack and NAT uses the following helpers which means that if they are to be used, the function pointed to by .help (e.g. tftp[] = tftp_nat_help) will be used right?

my question is what are these functions for..
1. expected from the list is used to check if the skb is what a specific module expects
2. help is used when the expected condition above is satisfied, the function pointed to by help will be performed?

Please help.


conntrack, expected, helper, ip

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