Internet connection sharing through a Broadcom Router .
This was my previous set up .
3 computers connected to a hub . ( computers are dual booting Fedora / XP )
One of the computers connected to a Huwaei MT 882 modem and through another NIC to the hub .
On this computer I had the setting Internet sharing set to share this computers Internet connection .
The setup worked fine ..
I wanted to use Wi-fi on a laptop so I replaced the modem with a Beetel 451 BX ADSL2+ Router.
This uses the Broadcom 96388 chipset
This has 4 ethernet ports .
So I connect 3 computers to 3 ports .
I can connect each computer individually ... BUT I cannot get the Internet working on ALL..
Is there anything I can do . I would like to avoid using the previous hub ..
Have tried for days trying various settings on the router no luck .. This is accessed through a browser