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Linux - Networking This forum is for any issue related to networks or networking.
Routing, network cards, OSI, etc. Anything is fair game.


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Old 03-06-2002, 02:28 AM   #1
Registered: Feb 2002
Location: Adamstown, Pitcairn Islands
Distribution: Neon
Posts: 291

Rep: Reputation: 30
Internet connection

I have a problem with Mandrake 8.1

If anyone is familiar with Mandrake please offer some advice (offer it even if your not).

When I used to click on the "Internet" icon on the desktop it would prompt for the root password. It still does this but when I enter it the window that would normally show the connection never finishes loading. It sits there like it were a web browser that isn't able to fully download a page and only shows somethings on it.

I had this working fine befor then one day I decide to reboot and it didn't work after that. Well, I figured maybe it was an upgrade I did so I reformatted the hd and reinstalled Mandrake fresh. Same problem. So, now I install Mandrake on a different hd and still the same problem.

So, now I think...maybe it's a graphic card problem since it seems to be choking on the display of the "Internet" window. So I installed a Geforce 2, which is working fine, but I am having the same problem.

The last thing I can think might possibly be the problem is the NIC. But I am really stumped here. It was working fine one day, then I do a reboot and it just sits there. Very odd.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

Old 03-06-2002, 09:08 AM   #2
Registered: Feb 2002
Location: Adamstown, Pitcairn Islands
Distribution: Neon
Posts: 291

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 30

Fixed it and you don't want to know wht it was.


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