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Old 08-11-2003, 09:58 PM   #1
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: GA
Distribution: Fedora Core 4 Desktop/Server.
Posts: 361

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internal usr 2976 modem installation

At first I put this post in the hardware forum, but I decided I may have put it in the wrong place, considering this is both a hardware problem and a network problem in it's own way.

I have an internal USR 2976 modem. From previous posts on other forums that I have read, this is supposedly a good modem to use on linux. Although my problem seems to be is that it will not even detect it! I have read through a lot of how-to's, but I'm sure I must be doing something wrong.

Another problem is that I can't use the setserial command, which is needed in most of the howto's that I have read, and I was unable for a period of time to create a resolv.conf (I believe that's the file..), but I think I got that cleared up, since when I looked in /etc/ it was now there.

I have the IRQ, and IO on this device, although I'm not sure where I would need to put that or what to do with it (obviously new to Linux). I got this information off of my XP partition that I'm currently having to use for the internet, that I would like to get on less and less often as soon as I am able to get Mandrake up and running with my modem. It says as follows:

IRQ: [00000017]
IO: [0000E000-000E007]
and it is on COM3.

If anyone could please even attempt to help me it would be muchly appreciated, since I have been unable to get that even at other forums, and this does seem to be a much more active one. Thanks in advance!
Old 11-25-2003, 02:27 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 9

Rep: Reputation: 0
are you still looking for help on your usr modem?


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