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Old 04-13-2005, 02:52 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2005
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Installing linux on empty hard disk

thanks for the help.
But before I could do that my hard disk crashed and everything is gone after I had to format it.
Now I have 2 hard drives. one is 20 GB and empty with one partition and the other which is running xp windows is 80GB with 4 logical drives of 20 GB each.
Now please be kind enough to let me know how I should proceed for installing the Linux system so that My both systems work well.
I want to use the empty disk for linux.
which is the most suitable linux version to run with xp?
I use computer as personal but in future I intend to use it as server if need be and of course after learning how and what of server!
Old 04-13-2005, 03:08 PM   #2
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yo're not used to using web forums huh? you should hit "reply", not "new thread" next time...

picking up what i can though....

there is no "best" version, anything modern is fine. the installation routing should let you set up where you want it instaleld for you via prompts and such.
Old 04-13-2005, 03:54 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Installing linux on empty hard disk - in the Linux

thanks for the guidance.Noted the contents. No doubt ! I am new to web forums.

However I want to be sure that installing on the empty disk with one partition does not require further partitions and i can boot separately form both the disks as per my choice and I donot want to see the annoying message of linux dual boot linux/dos etc. since I have lost a lot of data on crash already.
May I know some web sites that give a comprehensive step by step process for the newbies.
Old 04-13-2005, 05:21 PM   #4
Registered: Oct 2003
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Ugly but safe solution:

Make Windows HD primary master

Disconnect your windows HD

Install linux (create swap partitions etc.)

Create a boot floppy for linux

Reconnect windows HD
Now, your machine should normally boot windows.
If you want to boot linux, insert the boot floppy.

I admit that this is extremely ugly and less elegant than boot managers,
but newbies prefer it ;-).
Old 04-15-2005, 07:24 AM   #5
LQ Newbie
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Installing linux on new hd

thanks for ur guidance. It is nice !
but what are the atlernatives when the floppy hdd becomes out of order or is not reachable.
At that stage is it possible to boot from cd rom.


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