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Old 10-23-2005, 10:44 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 17

Rep: Reputation: 0
inherited permissions with NFS


I have NFS running on SERVER and with REMOTE I can access, read and write the exported directory. The uid's and gid's are the same on both SERVER & REMOTE. I do not use NIS.

Scenario 1

The SERVER directory (not a user's directory) is exported as:
drwxrws--- root testit /home/Testit.

On REMOTE, when I create newfile in the NFS directory from the terminal it is created as:
-rw-r--r-- username testit newfile. The group is OK, the permissions not.

When I create newfile in a gnome window on the same REMOTE it is created as
-rw------- username usergroup newfile.

I would like to have the new files inherit the directorie's group and permissions and should be like:
-rwxrwx--- username directorygroupname newfile.

How can I influence NFS or the REMOTE to create the group and permissions for the new files?

Is this a NFS or a Gnome problem. Where can I change a setting so that the files in the directory inherit the group and permissions of the directory?

Scenario 2

The SERVER directory (user's home) that is exported is
drwxrwx--- /home/username.
On REMOTE, when I create newfile in the NFS directory form the terminal it is created as
-rw-r--r-- username usergroup newfile.
When I create newfile in gnome on the same REMOTE it is created as
-rw------- username usergroup newfile.

Why the difference?

I would like to have the new files inherit the directories group and permissions and should be like:
-rwxrwx--- username directorygroupname newfile.

How can I influence NFS or the REMOTE to create the group and permissions for the new files?

THANKS for your help.


Last edited by elbe3321; 10-23-2005 at 10:45 AM.
Old 10-25-2005, 01:13 AM   #2
Registered: Jun 2002
Location: NY
Distribution: Gentoo,RH
Posts: 333

Rep: Reputation: 40
I understand what you try to accomplish, but there's no such thing (AFAIK) as inheriting the dir's permissions. New file permissions are governed by the process' umask value. The bits there specify which permission bits will NOT be set, e.g. it looks like your process creating a -rw-r--r-- would have a 022 or 033 mask (I think "x" isn't set by default), and -rw------- would be set by a process with a 077 mask.

Just "umask" will tell you the current value. I guess the maks differ between machines and terminal types.

Hope it helps,


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