Hi, I'm pretty new with linux so bare with me plz. I also searched this forum for related topics and noticed others have asked but nothing was really helpful to me. I'm trying to run BNC and connect from my windows box using mIRC but my host is nick!~user@hostname.com and i dont like that ~.
I'm running redhat 9 and I wanna get rid of the "~" for my ident on IRC. I checked if I have identd running and I do, pidentd. Also, I'm running xinetd, not inetd. The tutorials I found from google all deal with inetd and I don't have the "auth...etc" line which I'm supposed to uncomment so that doesn't help.
I did "/etc/rc.d/init.d/identd start" and got the "[ OK ]" and restarted xinetd but I still get the ~. I searched for previous related posts but nothing really showed me what to do at this point. I even installed ident2 but it didn't help either.
What do I do from here to get rid of that ~ and how? Plz Keep in mind I'm fairly new to linux so no big words please

Any help or link to a tutorial would be appreciated, thanks!