First of all I'd like to apologise if I posted in the wrong forum, this might belong to software.
I decided to install an Ident-daemon on my router and since I didn't have access to my slackware-disks (running Slackware 9) I downloaded pidentd 3.0.18 (from [can't post the URL but the first hit when searching for "pidentd" on google]), compiled and installed.
Since I didn't want to reboot the machine I added a line in my bootscripts to start the daemon (don't use Inetd) and then manually started it using "/usr/sbin/identd -b -n". (-b stands for stand-alone mode).
And now when I do "ps aux" I have 7 identd processes running. I thought that I might have done something wrong so I killed all the identd processes and again started the daemon with the same result.
So I'm wondering if any of you might know why there are 7 of them running and if it's necessary, and, if not, how to prevent it.
All help welcome.