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Old 08-15-2012, 07:41 PM   #1
Registered: Feb 2005
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I2P running extremely slow


After I had discovered the Darkweb with TOR and read there that I2P is usually much faster and more stable, I decided to try it. Installation was rather confusing due to the lack of an official How-To, but now, I seem to have everything up and running. I installed their .deb packages (running Wheezy here), and their server started up and found some 200 active peers soon enough. Network status is reported as "OK", the relevant port is forwarded permanently for both TCP and UDP, and the HTTP Proxy and link to Shared Clients are marked with green stars. I created a new Firefox identity without history, cookies or JavaScript, and directed it to use localhost:4444 as a HTTP proxy. On their IRC, I was told everything should be golden. (Their forum is not accessible for some reason.)

However, I can only use I2P to browse the surface web, not eepsites. Very, very rarely, a single eepsite will open after a long time (>10 minutes), but usually, I just get timeout errors even for huge sites such as forum.i2p or i2p2.i2p. There was a brief window of time when eepsites.i2p worked at seemingly blazing speed (almost as fast as without i2p), but that's about it. I have no idea what's causing this.

Also, the surface web traffic is extremely slow and buggy. The front page of Google loads in about 30 seconds, a private website I tested it with loaded just the site's name in the title bar, and LQ blocks me with a 503 complaining about a malfunctioning proxy (!!!) after about two minutes.

Even TOR works as speeds magnitudes faster than this for me, and most problems with the Darknet there were with servers not living up to their demand, resulting in error messages. There are enough places saying that i2p is WAY faster than TOR, and that especially its Darknet sites are much more speedy and reliable.

So, things don't add up. I've tried running i2p as a system service or manually as a user, and I've played around with the bandwidth settings, and things seemed to get better; however, this may just have been coincidental, as nothing I did produced any permanent effect.

I'm quite confused, and I'd be happy if anyone could help me.

Old 06-30-2015, 04:05 PM   #2
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