First of all, this is my first post here and I just want to say that I've been browsing these forums for quite some time and found plenty of useful information on installing/configuring linux. Thank you all for your contributions.
With that said, I am in the process of setting up Samba and I'm having a little trouble. Here's my situation: I have a linux file server (running Debian and samba 3.0.0-2) that I want to share with several computers on a home network. What I want is for all users on my network to be able to connect to the samba server without having to enter a username/password and having read-only access, except for myself. I will be connecting to it from another machine running WinXP, and when I connect I want myself to have full access to the shares. I did this successfully on a former RedHat 9 install, but since I switched to Debian I can't seem to duplicate this success.
Here is my smb.conf file:
workgroup = home
server string = samba server
netbios name = samba server
security = share
encrypt passwords = true
hosts allow = 192.168.1.
guest account = nobody
log file = /etc/samba/log/log.%m
invalid users = root
socket options = TCP_NODELAY
path = /share/share
browseable = yes
guest ok = yes
writeable = yes
admin users = colin
path = /share/priv
browseable = yes
guest ok = no
writeable = yes
valid users = colin
admin users = colin
invalid users = nobody
I have a user on the fileserver called colin (me) that I use to log into that machine regularly. I also have an account on my WinXP machine with the same name and password as the account on the fileserver. I ran a
smbpasswd -a colin and gave it the same password as the unix user and WinXP user, so all passwords should be synchronized.
What happens is when I try to connect from my WinXP machine, I connect as user nobody (guest) and don't have full privelages. I checked the log to confirm this. I have restarted both the samba service and the WinXP machine and it just won't let me connect as the right user.
Is there something I'm missing here? I'm wondering about the
security = share parameter. Do I need to change it to
security = user and add a nobody user to the smbpasswd file? I tried changing it to user already but then no one could connect, so I immediately changed it back. Maybe I didn't configure it right, though?