You could use DHCP if your router/server had it configured (this enabled you to automatically obtain the information rather than putting it in manually). In that case you would simply run (or have this run automatically) either of these commands, depending on whicn one you have installed (and if eth0 is not your ethernet device, change accordingly):
dhclient eth0
dhcpcd eth0
If you do want to manually enter the information above, you'll need to do several things. To setup the DNS nameserver for the system, edit (with any text editor, probably as root) the file /etc/resolv.conf and add (or edit, if there already exists) a line:
if you want to configure several DNS servers, just add more lines with appropriate ip addresses. I think that should be in the beginning of the file, but it might not matter.
Your ip-address:
ifconfig eth0 down
ifconfig eth0 netmask up
and so on. Probably though the easiest way is to setup these using the Fedora's grahpical tools (system-config-network or whatever). They do basically the same thing if I'm right. In RedHats/Fedora seris I've noticed that it's best to use the graphical tools, for some reason doing the very same stuff manually may make the grahpical programs go crazy.
Just one thing: your DNS server is in a different subnet than you yourself; it's 0.1 but you are 1.10 - not sure if this causes trouble, just curious.