recently 2 of my webservers had this problem
Starting httpd: (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:443
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs
Couldn't restart the service. So i reset the first one.
Did a bit of search, found out abt 'netstat', so i ran netstat -tlnp egrep 443 and found out a process "httpd -dssl" is running.
I kill -9 processid and started the service again, it work....
solve all this by googling, so alot of unknowns in my head
1) What cause the root of the problem (address already in use etc...)
2) for netstat what does -tlnp refers too? and why egrep? what's the difference between egrep and grep?
3) what's httpd -dssl refering to? how come it will hold the process such that httpd itself cannot restart?
4) what's the purpose of using "kill -9 processid" to stop process?
For netstat.. i suppose this tool is meant more for listening on certain ports, to see if the service is actively listening.. am I right?
What's the best way to use it to get comprehensive information enough to helpful data?
For the httpd error, i can't find any error in the log; i suppose since it says fail to open log... that's why?
Some of them i did a --help.. couldn't really understand so thought you guys can enlighten me...
it caused a short panic but whew... all's well after some googling
thanks man!