Hello first
And thanks for any ideas on this. I'm not a network pro but normally I know my way around. Anyway
I can't get my linux box to use the same internet connection as my windows box.
The setup (no dhcp servers, all IPs are fixed):
linux (suse 10.0) box, 1 network card, connected to windows box via a LAN-cable (with a switch in between, though I'd like to use a direct connection (crosslink cable))
windows (XP prof.) box, 1 network card + 1 wireless device that connects to the router (and thus internet)
two Networks (c nets afaik
linux box (NM
windows box nw card (NM
windows box wireless device (NM
Router (NM
Like this the boxes can communicate without probs. The win box has internet. But the linux box has not
what setup could I choose to get the wireless internet connection of the windows box working for the the linux box (preferably without the linux box beeing present in the same network as the windows box)?
Approaches that didn't work
At first I tried to put them all in one network. Which won't work, because the win box will hand packets for the linux box via the wireless connection to the router and the router does not know of the linux box...
I tried the win xp network bridge. It binds the same IP ( on both nw devices. Then put the linux box in the same network. Anyway either the connection between the boxes works, or the (wireless) internet connection of the win-box depeding on whether I enter the router as the default gateway on the win box.
In a weak moment I also tried the windows ICS (afaik the only way to make turn an xp box into a gateway) - Anyway it didn't work out. It wasn't able to set the win-box IP to, only Bill knows why...
If I connect both boxes to the switch by cable and the switch to the router and put them all in one net 192.168.0.xxx everything works fine. Both boxes can communicate and have internet access. Anyway, I need the wireless connection.
Btw none of the devices or cables is broken or incorrectly installed.
Thank you for any suggestions