Hi there,
I got 4 PC at my house and distributed to 4 rooms. Which is 3 XP box and 1 RH 8.0 BOX.
So i may describe as below for making thing easier:
Comp 1 (XP) --------> a Desktop in study room (Server)
Comp 2 (XP) --------> a Desktop in my dad's room
Comp 3 (XP) --------> a Laptop tht's belong to my wife
Comp 4 (RH8) ------> a Desktop in bedroom
I'm using broadband internet connection for the internet access and I'm sharing the Internet access by using 3 Ethernet Cards that is slotted on the "Comp 1 (XP)"
Comp1 as the server------------->------------[INTERNET]
|NIC2|------------------------> Comp2 [Client] XP BOX
|NIC3|------------------------> Comp3 [Client] XP BOX
|NIC4|------------------------> Comp4 [Client] RH BOX
Following the plan above, It shows that the Comp1 is directly connect to the Internt and it is also the server computer which have 3 NIC and each of the NIC is playing the role of sharing the internet connection to Comp 2C Comp3C and Comp4.
I'm using the Windows XP's "Home and small Business Network Connection" wizard for enable the internet connection sharing for the rest comp. Everything seems fine but My RH BOX just cannot get connection to the internet via the NIC4. Even I try to Use my RH BOX nor WINXP BOX to ping each other but the answer always dissapoint me.
I have try to set the IP in my RH BOX manually which is pointing the RH BOX's gateway that is pointing my Comp1's IP address but the result is still the same.
So, what I do the next is testing the NIC4 by using my wife's laptop(which is an XP BOX) and it just works!
Now i'm sure that it is not the problem of my NIC4 and not the RJ-45 cable problem. But just because of XP is not recognise with my RH8.0. So could somebody help me for this?
P/s: I'd tried my RH8 for browsing the internet when there is come with the single connection from my RH8 directly to the internet. and everything seems fine.
Could sombody help me out with this? Your Helpful will be very much appreciated!