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Old 09-07-2005, 05:29 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2005
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How to remotely shutdown a process

I want to hire a linux fedora server and run some gameserver's on it. However it must be possible to shut down these servers through a website but I don't know how this is called so I can't google on it (only find remote power switches). Also I am new to linux, but don't have to do a lot.
Got these steps though searching:
Use openssh to start wget on the remote server
use wget to download server files and ftp server
add ftp server and server to rc.conf
restart server

But when processes can only be started though the rc.conf (like autoeutex on windows) how can I only restart 1 gameserver not not the entire machine?

Thanks in Advance.
Old 09-07-2005, 05:32 PM   #2
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well this just sounds like you need to learn some basic bash and Linux process stuff. you can easily kill and restart processes wherever they come from, don't worry about it. if you are able to use ssh to access the server, tyhere's virtually nothing you can't do there than you could do infront of it, other than kick the thing. you might also like to look at webmin to provide a web based config front end.
Old 09-07-2005, 05:39 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Originally posted by acid_kewpie
well this just sounds like you need to learn some basic bash and Linux process stuff. you can easily kill and restart processes wherever they come from, don't worry about it. if you are able to use ssh to access the server, tyhere's virtually nothing you can't do there than you could do infront of it, other than kick the thing. you might also like to look at webmin to provide a web based config front end.
Yes I ssh with wget is the only thing that comes with the server. However do you or someone else know a script that I can put on the server to shut down a specific process (depending on the user) there must be some default free script for this but can't find it. (Btw setting up apache etc isn't the problem, I currently have apache,php,mysql running on windows but instructions for linux are also on their website).
Old 09-07-2005, 06:03 PM   #4
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1) stop saying words like "free". This is linux... of course it's free.

2) There is no such script as it's far far too trivial to write a script for. just use the kill command, or pkill. read this manpages for details of their usage.
Old 09-07-2005, 06:09 PM   #5
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Depending on what distro you are using and how the services start in the first place you probably have a script in /etc/init.d or /etc/rc.d that will stop and start them in a controlled fashion.
Old 09-10-2005, 02:08 PM   #6
LQ Newbie
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On some other form I got a link to a perl code that could kill a process. Now I need to find something to start it again .
Old 09-11-2005, 11:56 PM   #7
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my dear god!! do you even understand what these people are trying to tell you??? if you already have ssh access to the server, then you can simply type a command to kill the process and another command to start it. writing a script to do this would be a waste of time due to how simple the task is. the command to start the process will of course differ depending on what your trying to start and with what options.


to find the PID (process id):
[root@pi root]# ps ax|grep q3ded
5029 pts/0 R 0:02 ./q3ded
5177 pts/0 S 0:00 grep q3ded

to kill the process:
[root@pi root]# kill -9 5029

now the "q3ded" process is gone:
[root@pi root]# ps ax|grep q3ded
[root@pi root]#

to start it:
[root@pi root]# /path/to/your/game -option1 -option2 -blah -blah

if you REALLY need a script to restart a process, here:


for i in `ps aux|grep ${USER}|grep ${1}|awk '{print $2}'`;do kill -HUP ${i};done

usage would be "./<scriptname> <process to restart>"

as the previous member said, it would be very helpful if you were a little more familiar with the command line in linux.


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