my dear god!! do you even understand what these people are trying to tell you??? if you already have ssh access to the server, then you can simply type a command to kill the process and another command to start it. writing a script to do this would be a waste of time due to how simple the task is. the command to start the process will of course differ depending on what your trying to start and with what options.
to find the PID (process id):
[root@pi root]# ps ax|grep q3ded
5029 pts/0 R 0:02 ./q3ded
5177 pts/0 S 0:00 grep q3ded
to kill the process:
[root@pi root]# kill -9 5029
now the "q3ded" process is gone:
[root@pi root]# ps ax|grep q3ded
[root@pi root]#
to start it:
[root@pi root]# /path/to/your/game -option1 -option2 -blah -blah
if you REALLY need a script to restart a process, here:
for i in `ps aux|grep ${USER}|grep ${1}|awk '{print $2}'`;do kill -HUP ${i};done
usage would be "./<scriptname> <process to restart>"
as the previous member said, it would be very helpful if you were a little more familiar with the command line in linux.