I need to write a program( c/C++) to place the bluetooth( tester ) in testing mode i.e loop back mode and when DUT( device under test) is connected the tester will loop back all the packets via synchronous and asynchronous link.
I have tried few things like using
but it doesn't work. Before writing the program I need to test it, so for that I followed the following procedure
1) To test, I took couple of linux machine with bluetooth connectivity and fired the below command on both the boxes
hcitool cmd 0X0006 0x002 0x01
2) Checked via hcidump and found that both machine and entered into read write loopback mode.
3) Made one box Master and other slave via hciconfig lm & lp command
4) Now what next ? how would I test packets?
5) I tried doing scanning via hcitool scan command but it failed to scan devices ( I think this happens after firing the hcitool cmd 0x0006 0x002 0x01 )
Can someone please point me to right direction ..
Basically I need help in following points :
1) Do you guys think I am approaching the problem in right direction ? If yes then what should be my next step ?just to let you guys knows I have stream audio from my tester successfully via A2DP and SCO link.
2) If this is not right approach , can someone please point me to right direction?
Thanks a lot in Advance.