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Old 02-03-2009, 12:04 AM   #1
Registered: Mar 2006
Posts: 140

Rep: Reputation: 15
Question How do you see a Host Only folder from a Linux guest ?

My Windows guests see my VMware Host Only folders as \\.host\Shared Folders\
But when I try to see them from a Linux guest, all I get is frustrated. No permutation of that seems to work.

Because the Windows guests see the shared folders I know the host is doing its part in providing them. After two days of not finding an answer on the VMware Workstation forum I finally figured out that the problem really is how to look for them with Linux.

With Linux I can turn off all NICs accept the Host Only NIC, put smb:// into the address bar and see all the shares on the host, but not the folder designated as the host only folder.

Does anyone here have a suggestion for how to look for the shares with Linux ?
Old 02-03-2009, 07:42 PM   #2
Registered: Mar 2006
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So the answer is to quit frying to find it on the network. It is configured as a drive. Instead of the path being \\.host\Shared Folders like in Windows, it is /mnt/hgfs/Shared Folders.

It is added to the fstab file, as .host:/ /mnt/hgfs.
Old 02-03-2009, 07:50 PM   #3
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If you use the User security model and configure a profile share you can see just that users share instead of a list of all users shares.

You might also want to use "smbclient" from a linux guest host and see what is visible. Do you have a firewall on the Linux guest hosts blocking the ports you need for smb browsing?
Old 02-04-2009, 09:04 AM   #4
Registered: Mar 2006
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Good morning jschiwal:

No, the answer is that the Host Only folder comes in as a drive mounted at /mnt/hgfs/Shared Folders/ That is as good as its going to get.

But I discovered something about it that prevents me using it for what I intended.
It messess up the permissions on files. It's like its an NTSF drive or something. I had intended to get it working in networking and then mount it in fwfsab as /tmp. But the things going into /tmp need to keep their permissions intact.

/tmp is a busy place. And on a growable virtual disk, where deleting files does not get the space back, that can be a problem, especially if you want to copy some DVDs.

With a Windows host I knew that I couldn't put /tmp there, but it didn't occur to me that my Fedora host would look like it had an NTFS drive.

I have since done a search on the drive type vmhgfs and found that it has always been like this, and is not about to change.

But I can still get a lot of mileage out of the Host Only shared folder. I can tell k3B to use that instead of /tmp.


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