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Linux - Networking This forum is for any issue related to networks or networking.
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Old 10-19-2001, 09:34 AM   #1
Citizen Bleys
Registered: Mar 2001
Location: Moncton, NB
Distribution: Gentoo 2006.0
Posts: 181

Rep: Reputation: 30
How do I set up a network?

I know NOTHING. Can someone point me to a step-by-step, starting from scratch networking tutorial?

I'm using a straight (not crossover) cable, because the NIC card in my desktop machine requires one. I don't know bugger about the NIC in my laptop, because it didn't come with a manual.

I want to be able to reach my desktop from my laptop whether it's booted into Win98 or Red Hat Linux. For reference, my laptop dual-boots WinME and Mandrake.

I can't even get a network connection between Win98 and WinME; I'm using the same workgroup name, and I've tried using the IPX/SPX protocol, NetBEUI, and (just for the hell of it) TCP/IP.

I don't care if I can only access the VFAT partitions while my desktop machine is in 'Doze, as long as I can get the ext2 partitions by booting into Linux.

(Oh, one other thing--it takes a SOD of a long time for Linux to load on my laptop--It chokes on trying to load "Io". Something about it being unable to manually set the IP address. Can I use as the IP address for both my laptop and my desktop and network them together that way?

If what I say isn't making sense it's because I DON'T know what I'm talking about. I started learning about networks yesterday, by trial and error.
Old 10-19-2001, 10:35 AM   #2
Registered: Jul 2001
Location: Braunschweig, Germany
Distribution: Suse 7.2
Posts: 184

Rep: Reputation: 30
I'll give it a shot on writing you a short manual which will at least bring you on the way:

1. Connecting the hardware

If you use a Hub to build your network, you'll need straight cables. If you're just linking two Computers, you'll need a cross-over one. (I don't thing that there are any NICs out there that differ from this rule!)

2. Setting up the OS

2.1. Windows
If you use windows and you
configured your NICs correctly (that is no yellow ! in your
hardware configuration),
and there is at least one protocol installed when you look at
your properties of the network (the SAME on both win-
and you share one or more folder on the win-machines
You should be able to "see" the other computer in the network neighbourhood.
If you don't, try a search (start->search for computer) for the name of the other computer.

This is very basic and quickly made. Since you want to include your linux-machines in your network, you should put some more work in configuring your network. i.e. set up a tcp-ip network with static ip-addresses.

To do this, you need to install the internet-protocol for your network card. Then go to the properties of your tcp/ip protocol and set a unique address for each computer. (should either be 192.168.0.x or 10.0.0.x where x is in [1..254]. Set the netmask to Don't set any of standard gateway or dns-server. (you don't need those)

If you have done all this, you should be able to pint between the two machines. -> go to a dos-box and type
 ping 192.168.0.x
it should give you some success-message.

2. Linux

Set the ip-settings for your network-cards accordingly. Remember that in a LAN, the ip-addresses need to be unique!!!!!
Now you should be able to ping back and forth from linux to windows.

3. Network neighbourhood and file sharing

3.1 windows-windows
you pretty much just need to share the files from within your explorer (right-click on the directory you want to share)
3.2 linux-linux
you need to set up nfs. On how to do this, have a look at the howtos at the linux documentation project .
3.3 linux-windows
you will need to install and setup the samba suite in linux. Also look for howtos at and/or browse this forum. There are a lot of posts that deal with this.

Hope this helped, Steave.
Old 10-19-2001, 02:28 PM   #3
Citizen Bleys
Registered: Mar 2001
Location: Moncton, NB
Distribution: Gentoo 2006.0
Posts: 181

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 30
Sweet! j00 am rawk.

Perhaps I misunderstood the manual that came with my NIC card.
I shall purchase a crossover cable.


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