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NSFrankenstein 09-23-2004 08:57 AM

How do I logon to my linux machine remotely?
So, here's the situation:

I have my linux workstation at home and my linux laptop, which goes to my office with me. I would like to be able to logon to the workstation from my laptop in my office so that I can write/compile/run code on the actual workstation. I think I've seen this done before with vnc/telnet/ssh...does that sound right?

If someone could post a step-by-step for me or be able to explain it clearly that would be greatly appreciated! I'm still really new to linux and I'm learning as I go. Thanks for your patience and help...Cheers!

maxut 09-23-2004 09:28 AM

i think best way is ssh. if X is installed at both side, u can run X applications. but u must work at X windows at client side.
1- make sure ssh deamon works on server side. it is probably installed.
2- make sure no firewall blocks tcp 22 port, (by default ssh deamon listens to tcp 22)
3- login to server from client side:
$ssh ip_of_server -l username

take look at ssh man page
$man ssh
$man sshd

if u want to control your linux trou windows box, download putty

good luck.

k3nn0n 09-23-2004 10:59 AM

Along these same lines, I have ssh server running on a suse 8.0 enterprise box with X running. When I ssh to it from my fedora core 2 workstation and launch an X app it says that it cannot connect to the X server. I am logging in remotely as root. I am logged in locally as a normal user. The server is sitting at the X login screen. Does someone have to be logged in on the server for this to work?

NSFrankenstein 09-23-2004 07:40 PM

k3...I have the same question. In what state should the server be in order for me to be able to log on to it remotely? Does it need to be logged in as a user? as root? sitting at the login screen? I'm doing this on Suse 9.1 Pro, but it shouldn't be too different. Thanks again for all the help! Cheers!

maxut 09-24-2004 01:36 AM

i can run X app trou ssh. server is redhat 8.0 with X. server works in runlevel 3. client is fedora 2. it works for MDK too. maybe there is a issue between suse and fedora.

himanshu79 09-24-2004 01:48 AM


Does someone have to be logged in on the server for this to work?
Not at all.
There is no need for someone to login on server to provide you a remote access.
I think you should login as a normal user using ssh and then do a su to switch to root.
In my case Red hat doesn't provide a remote login as root which might be due to some security reasons.

red_dog 09-24-2004 02:27 PM

Once you enable ssh DO NOT forget to secure your home box by restricting ssh access in the firewall so that your box is accessible only from work IP address (IP address range if using DHCP).

rnice 09-25-2004 11:09 AM

vnc works really well...
just allow a script to run at boot... perhaps in rc.local.
run a man on vncserver and vncviewer to figure out how it works. You can also download tightVNC or realVNC that runs on windows, so you can use your linux box or windows box to remotely access whatever is running vncserver.
It's pretty cool when you get it down. I think there is an article at that can really help you out.

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